Assessing investment projects and policy options for evidence-based decision making.

The Urban Performance tool is designed to show how decisions of today will impact the quality of life and resources of the future.

The Urban Performance tool allows to create future scenarios for cities. It integrates the impact of interventions named policy levers for each scenario.  Users can turn layers on and off and compare scenarios.

Urban Performance has three main elements:

Policy Levers

Policy levers focus on the reduction of GHG emissions and increased resiliency of a city.  

Policy levers are interventions, policies, or investments that trigger changes in the performance of a city.


The methodology consists of  modeling possible urban growth Scenarios using the UP tool. Each scenario includes one or more policy levers. 

Scenarios depicts how the city would perform in the future with or without interventions to promote climate-resilient cities.


The Indicators evaluate the performance of different combinations of policy levers.

Indicators provide numerical evidence on the benefits or drawbacks observed after a policy lever or group of policies is implemented.

Indicators measure the urban area’s performance on environmental, social, and economic terms.

Thus, Indicators can be used to model how an urban area will be dealing with specific urban concerns.

How it works?

With Urban Performance results and policy lever maps, decision-makers will:


Make informed decisions based on real evidence


Disseminate the potential benefits of projects


Achieve a multilevel and multisectorial consensus among different interdependent stakeholders


Facilitate access to international financing


Visualize results in an online portal accessible to stakeholders

It's all about flexibility.
Urban Performance was designed with flexibility in mind

A web app

Perform agile assessments and save the trouble of downloading and installing software.  

Open source

All the methods in the tool are transparent, replicable, and of course, customizable.


Access the tool from any operative system. All you need is a browser and internet access.


Host the tool in your own computer, in a Linux server or in the cloud.